THE ultimate guide TO sound SLINGS

Rings slings are very popular among new and experienced mamas alike, and it’s no surprise why! They are a fantastic option to help free up your hands while still allowing the baby to remain close to your body which is comforting to them. Not to mention, essential for attachment and bonding. below we will discuss everything you need to know about them and tell you which ones are our favorites.

The ultimate guide to sound Slings

Moms are busy and babies always want to be held (especially at the most inconvenient moments), those are just simple facts of life. And, that’s why sound slings are a must-have!

So, what exactly is a sound sling? Well, it’s a long piece of cloth that you wrap around yourself and pull through two rings to tighten making a perfect little pouch for your babe. They have become wildly popular because they are so convenient and the most versatile option when it comes to baby carriers.

While they are similar to baby wraps, make sure you don’t get the two confused because there are some key differences. baby wraps can be connected in many different configurations, which is so nice because you can change the amount of support from different areas of your body. but this can also be a huge pain. You have basically got to do origami every time you put one on, whereas with a sound sling you just slip it over your shoulder and tighten.

This means the sound sling is easy to slip on, but still provides you with that ultimate cuddly closeness which will keep your baby calm and happy. While they have had a recent surge in popularity, moms have been using similar methods to carry their babies around since ancient times. There’s definitely something kind of cool about the connection you feel to moms all around the world and moms from long, long ago by carrying your baby close to you in natural materials. There’s even been research done that carrying your baby this way is part of attachment parenting, which leads to lifelong positive consequences. I always say if something has lasted since ancient times in parenting, it’s well worth checking out.

Check out this video from WildBird on how to use a sound sling!

What to use Them For

These bad boys are great for short stints like the grocery store or cleaning up around the house.
Breastfeeding hands-free! how exciting is that? We know that sometimes mamas with newborns feel like they are feeding all day long making it impossible to accomplish anything else, but just think of all the things you could do if your hands were free. So maybe it’ll just be enough freedom to scroll down your Instagram feed (don’t forget to check us out while you are there) but hey, we support it.
Use them for all ages. This means when you have a young child who wants up and down and up again, you can easily put them in your sound sling and it won’t be too hard to get them back out.
For new babies with reflux or colic, this might be one of the best places for them to nap.

Why to love ‘Em

Ευστροφία; newborn babe to a wiggly young child can all fit in the sling with easy adjustment (Hi moms of 2! You can fit either of your kiddos in!)
They make dad duty easy! A lot of carriers fit a specific body type or take a lot of confusing adjustment to switch over making it only convenient for one carrier. The sound sling will fit mom, dad, and whoever else needs to use it with ease.
The leftover material tail doesn’t just make you look super trendy, but actually has multiple uses. You can flip it back over to the front to make a perfect sun shield or nursing cover.
You can make whatever fashion statement you’d like since they come in many different colors and patterns.
They make hip carrying a breeze.
All the cuddles.

The Downsides

They can wear out the one shoulder that supports the babies weight.
Carrying for an prolonged period of time gets harder as your child grows.
You have to be very careful when washing. Hand washing and air drying are best.

Our 4 favorite sound Slings

Sakura Bloom sound Sling

The Sakura comes in tons of different materials; linen, chambray linen, silk, theory bamboo and there’s even a few more. depending on the climate of where you live and what you like the feel of the best you can pick your favorite.

We love their simple but trendy color options. They definitely won’t be going out of style anytime soon.

They are made to be super breathable for those of you who live in hotter climates.

A lot of baby wearers say this is the sling to start with and you’ll be hooked in no time.

Shop Here

Wildbird single Layer Sling

Anything that says it only gets softer with time has my vote, and that’s one of the most commonly examined details about this sling.

They are made of pure super breathable linen meaning no sweaty mess!

We love all the color and material options these slings come in and you get to pick your sound color. say hello to matching your jewelry color to your sound sling.

Shop Here

Kyte bAby Sound Sling

Αυτές οι φιλικές προς το περιβάλλον 100% προ-πλυμένα λινά ιμάντες είναι ισχυρές και εύκολο στη χρήση.

Είναι εύκολα ρυθμιζόμενα και μπορούν να χωρέσουν τους περισσότερους τύπους σώματος ενηλίκων.

Το καλύτερο από όλα, αυτή η σφεντόνα έχει δύο τσέπες, μια μεγάλη εξωτερική τσέπη και ένα μικρότερο εσωτερικό, ώστε να μπορείτε να μεταφέρετε πράγματα όπως το τηλέφωνό σας ή τα κλειδιά σας εύκολα εν κινήσει!

Ψωνίζω εδώ

Moby Sound Sling

Μόλις 49,95 δολάρια, αυτή η σφεντόνα είναι μεγάλη έκρηξη για το buck σας.

Έρχεται σε ένα μέγεθος, αλλά είναι πολύ μακρύ, έτσι είναι ιδανικό για όλη τη σωματική διάπλαση, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του μπαμπά.

Το υλικό είναι ελαφρύ και μαλακό διατηρώντας και εσείς και το μωρό άνετο.

Ψωνίζω εδώ

Ποια από αυτές τις ηχητικές ιμάντες θα επιλέξετε;

Μπορεί επίσης να ενδιαφέρεστε για αυτές τις σχετικές δημοσιεύσεις:

Diy Moby Wrap
Τι να κάνετε όταν το μωρό θέλει να κρατηθεί μόνο
3 λόγοι για να αγαπήσετε το πουκάμισο Nuroo Babywearing

Πιέστε τον τελικό οδηγό για τις ηχητικές ιμάντες για αργότερα-

*Αποκάλυψη- Αυτή η ανάρτηση αποτελείται από συνδέσμους από το πρόγραμμα θυγατρικών του Amazon.

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Cape Town, South Africa